Mr Hudack, out there? Anywhere? You waiting for an election to speak? Keeping yourself a well guarded secret till then? I get it . Actually - No, no I don't, really I don't. Step up. Please.
Yes - More money about to be "gone".
As many neat committees that will point our way to the future - MetroLinx is spending spending spending on TV and radio commercials - soon it will be a whole media campaign - with a flush budget. Hooray! Before they do anything, first they want to position. Money money money - yours and mine - party party party.
Oh my gosh another Committee. Or are they a commission, maybe a thinktank?
And the Chair is there sometimes too. Not all the time. Its a new job, but he got another new job too - a declared paid lobbyist for one the Casinos in the "chase" - so he a has a conflict. What to do? Don;t give up the Chair - keep it. And just don't show up to guide important decisions - after all ....