Very convenient. Always works. Uses NO batteries. Has a long cord. You’ll never believe it – it’s a phone!
Yes we like most got a cordless phone for the house, years ago. Then it progressed to a dual line cordless phone, then with 2 lines, we added 3 more cordless devices. Soon when a phone rang, all hell broke loose. We heard the base station ring and ring and ring – we could even tell if it was line one, or line two. But darned if we could find a cordless unit that worked.
Yes the phone would ring - and panic would set in. We'd run, we'd look - sometimes we'd find it - but whoever was calling had already hung up - could we have missed Readers Digest telling us we'd won the millions??
One day I was in a store, seemed like an antique store – but there it was “nirvana” a phone that I could screw to the wall.
It had a ringer bell.
It gets “power” right through the phone wires.
No batteries needed.
No electric circuits needed.
No hiding under pillows, on the deck, in the laundry room, in the basement?
Now when the phone rings for line one – we know right where to go. Planted firmly on the wall – a telephone with a handset attached by a curly cord.
Old but predictable. And I predict these things could make a comeback.
GO ON, ADMIT it - sounds like a good idea - eh?