That was "the little company that could". Its a repeated event in the Canadian cell biz - little companies start, the "players" wait till they gasp, and buy them "out". The fella from Bell - George started there - Clearnet, he and his "little company that could" was bought by Telus there he sojourned with Darren for a while - then he moved to Bell - as boss (again).
And all of this is the cycle of business. Eat, grow. But then a new fish comes to the pond - and these mega-eaters bring a schoolyard concept to their averous existence - "fair". Huh?
Not to single out Bell by any means - the wireless, landline, cable and owners of significant media outlets in this fine Dominion,
make themselves so impossibly difficult to deal with - customers must invest significant amounts of time, not to get a better deal, but more - just to get the "deal" they thought they'd bought.
The THREE continue to play card after card to pull our heartstrings of National Pride. I've still not met a sympathetic ear. Guys, ask yourselves, turn the surveys inward - and look for real answers - why does nobody care? In the answer you will find a path to a solution of your largest dilemma - not only is there indifference across the land, instead the "other guys" actually have a cheering section and a big one on this side of the 49th.